Thursday, July 18, 2013


Blog from connecting to higher self two hours a day:

Today I sent a total of six hours trying to connect to my higher self and putting my attention on being in a mindset of finding and awakening to the truth of finding greater love and joy.

Today I first learned a tip on how to learn how to connect with your higher self while doing other things that occupy your attention and mind. Before I explain what I learn in regards to this, I want to say I’ve always struggled trying to be in this mind set while doing things that occupy my attention and mind. I’ve always felt like I could “only focus on what is being done or focus on connecting with my higher self . I now learned a way to help successfully have your attention focused on something while also connecting with your higher self. I learned the way to do it is first learning to focus on what is being done while also enjoying and loving what your focusing on. Secondly I learned that what ever you focus on pay attention on what you are learning and focusing on see how that could help you awaken. Pay attention to the details of what your trying to focus on or being occupied on and focus on how the content of what your doing is helping you awaken to greater love and enjoyment. Third, I learned that letting go of fear or attachment to the outcome of what you are doing will help you connect to your higher self and enjoy what your doing with love and enjoyment even more.

Now I want to give you an example of something that might occupy your mind and go through what I talked about in this example to help clarify what I’ve said to you more. Say someone is telling you something and you need to pay attention to what they are saying lets say they are telling you how to use a video camera to shoot at a weeding. As you pay attention to the steps in how to use the camera visualize each step with fascination, focus on the words and enjoy the pictures that come to your mind. For example the record button is on the side by the volume control, appreciate the beauty of the button and how it’s in proximity to everything else in the camera and enjoy it. Love how this camera is unique from other cameras. Focus on how the content of the camera helps you awaken more. Know that learning how to shoot the camera for a wedding is showing love for another that can help you love yourself more and gain compassion. Understand that this opportunity is good practice to let go of fear and attachment to the outcome of this demonstration and what this person wants you to do.

The second thing I learned was the concept of doing each tasks, and every act in the day to help you be more compassionate and wanting greater good for others. In other words, what ever you do, have the compassion that what ever you are doing, you are doing it as a motivation to help people gain greater good. It is always good to want to help people gain greater good because it helps you feel more loving to other people, it helps you love yourself, it creates good karma, and most importantly it helps you be more of a loving person which is the main way to help find greater love and enjoyment.

Another thing I learned is focus and acknowledge things 100% when you are doing a task. Really focus on the element of what you are doing, love the thing you experience, see, and come in contact with and admire it and then thank it.

Today while trying to connect with my intuition I had to kill some cockroaches. My apartment has a bad infestation of roaches and as a way to elimate the problem, I try to kill them. However when I kill them I feel bad because I’m trying to love the universe and everything within the universe. I suddenly realized it’s okay to kill roaches because I realized that the presents of the roaches are not service our highest good and if they aren’t, then they really aren’t serving their highest good either. So now when I kill them I acknowledge that the death I am giving them is an invitation to take them to a better place where their presence can be a better service a good for all. I am in a way assisting their awakening to the truth because I am helping them find a better place that they can find their highest good.

On that same token, I thought of a good prayer to say when you have to kill animals for a reason you feel is better for all. “Dear God, Holy Spirit, Master of all Roaches and Nature on Earth, I was to ask if I can provide a peaceful, painless, suffer-less, and positive experience as possible for the passing of this roach I have made for this roach. I also want to acknowledge that I have provided the death for this roach because I feel the current presence of the roach is not for his highest good for him self and others in the vicinity at this time. Thank you for allowing the roach to be a live and being a part of this amazing universe. Thank you. Amen.

I felt like I learned quite a few good things today. I wonder what I will learn tomorrow?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

6/27-7/16 brief overview

I decided to post a second time today to briefly discuss the wisdom I learned from the two hour sessions from the last two weeks up to today. I am not going to discuss what I learn each day of those two weeks but instead, I am going to summarized the major things I learned.


The first thing I learned was about why people often experience highened experience of joy when they feel on top, better then people, or prideful. I noticed I used to experience heightened amounts of joy when I used to feel that way until I decided to let go of pride. I truth, I realized you can experience intense feelings of joy and love no matter what, even if you feel not on top of the world, or unlucky because in reality that is an illusion. In truth you can experience heightened feelings of joy all the time. The only thing you need to do is allow yourself to enjoy whatever it is you choose to enjoy. When people experience pride, or feeling on top of the world the often will feel more joy connected with the experience. The reason why they do is simple, the pride feeling is simply allowing them to enjoy something more. The pride feeling is allowing them to choose to enjoy an experience more. In truth you can experience an experience with ultimate joy and love no matter what, you can choose whenever you want to do it whenever you want. You don’t’ need certain conditions. You are the condition and you can choose to have the condition of enjoy anything to amazing level no matter when.


Another thing I learned in order to increase unconditional love for everything is realizing that everything is part of God. God is energy and everything is energy. In other words, everything you see is a brother or sister of God. Next time, your mad at someone, it helps for forgive that person knowing that they are part of God and that the attack is an illusion.


Another thing I learned is something that I think will really help me not get upset with people. When people do mean things like say something mean, not care about you or other people, act narcissistic, or try to offend you and you feel angry. Understand that that person “knows not what they do”. In other words we are all innocent like big babies. The reason why this is the way it is is because we are all trying to spiritually evolve and in order to do that we all make mistakes. In order to be perfect we can’t help being imperfect. When people do something mean to you, it is because they are unaware of what they are doing. Even if someone deliberately does something mean to you, they are doing it because there’s a part of their action stemming from being unaware of something. If everyone knew everything, no one would do mean things to each other. So in a way there’s no such thing as a real attack, there’s only innocent unawareness. When someone hits you, or does something nice, it’s like a kid doing it because they don’t know better. Understanding this has helped me forgive and not be mad at people.


The last major thing I learned was is regard to the fact that luck is really an illusion. I’ve always had a problem with jealousy. I’ve also had a problem with feeling “unlucky”. This has made me dipressed a lot. When things don’t go right, or when I make a mistake, or when unfortunate things happen, I often felt it was because I was unlucky. I now learned that unluckiness is really an illusion. In truth we are all made in the image of God. We can create and manifest whatever we want. We can be who ever we want. Even though we may not always make things materialize in the physical world all the time, you do have the power to experience joy, love, and peace no matter what. Having this ability makes you lucky all the time. Understanding this gives me a reason to not feel jealous of others or “unlucky.”


These things I mention above are all the main things I learned from spending two hours a day everyday for the last two weeks focusing extensively on trying to learned how to awaken to greater love and enjoyment!


Today I learned learned that I should try to connect with my higher self. Connecting to my hire self has always been a challenge for me. However today while I was working at the computer lab, I tried to spend an hour doing that. It was difficult at first but then I started learning how to do it more and improved. I found so far, one way that helps is to think: "what could I do that could bring in more peacefull energy, light, kundilini, energy that will help bring you to your highest potential at this point, and remove blocks?" I started thinking of ways in which can help me bring that energy in. I learned when you set that intent of bringing in that energy, you immediatly know what what you need to think about that will set yourself to your highest good, or finding greater love and enjoyment. The increasing feeling of what I mentioned above almost guids you and helps you find the next thing to thinking about. I noticed sometimes I thought about fear and I immediatly was guided to let of of that fear, sometimes I thought about things like career ideas, or things I should do the next day to make most of my time in the most effective way, sometimes I started thinking about loving thoughts about people and things and that brought even more energy, and I learned a lot of new wisdom.

Some of the wisdom I learned was not why I shouldn't worry about dying. I have always been afraid to die because I want to learn to spiritually grow in this life time and take advantage of the challenges. For that reason I was afraid I would die and I would miss out on this opportunity. I finally realised I shouldn't be afraid of that because I realized everything that happens happens to help you reach your highest potential. Secondly I realized that if I learn to connect to my higher self, it will help me learn to connect to my higher self if I reincarnate again which will immediatly put my on track on awakening to greater love and enjoyment.

Another thing I learned today was learning to fallow my gut and feeling in finding my greater good, and ability to awaken to greater love and joy. I other words, when trying find greater love and joy I found best to fallow my heart and what I feel is the best way to do it. In the past I've often got tripped up, confused, and often thrown off from what other spiritual poeple, claim to be lighworkers, masters, and gurus have said in what they feel in how to find greater love and enjoyment and what is the way to find your highest good. Maybe a lot of what they say is right, however I often had a probably with being gullable and believing ideas and wording even if it didnt' feel right with me. When I did that, it caused problems. Now I have learn to fallow my heart first.

Another thing I learnd and this is what really got me wanting to post a blog about my path is the fact that I want to try to be the first person to awaken to greater love and enjoyment the fastes. Now I'm not saying I am trying to race people and beat others, I am just simply wanting to do this fast so I can inspire people. If I end up awakening after two weeks and really master awakening to greater love then I feel this could enspire people to do the same or awaken effectively even quicker. I think this could bring a lot more peace in the world and help prevent people from feeling discuraged.

I could elaborate a lot more on what I just said but if I completely explained what I mentioned above, I would require me to write probably ten more pages. I am going to try to be breif like this on most days and try to explain everything as best I can without spending an hour writing pages. So if you are interested in what I have to say and have any questions about anything I mentioned, or don't quite understand what I have said in my posts and want more clarification, feel free to message me and I will gladly get into more details. Well this is what I learned in this first day.

My two-hours-a-day of focusing on awakeing to greater love and joy blog (overview)

I am trying to awaken to greater love and joy. I have currently written an autobiography called "James Hackett -An Autobiography of a Guy with Asperger's Finding Inner Peace" in which I wrote about my life since I was a kid up until this point of my life of 2003. In this story I wrote about my unique life style as I grew up and explained a lot about my quest of finding greater love and enjoyment. I discussed and shared the many wisdoms I learned.

Very recently, two weeks ago, I decided that I needed to let go of a lot of things holding me back that Finding greater love and enjoyment can be challenging in that not only it involves restructuring your beliefs, but it also involves not being attached to experiencing joy in certain ways. I felt my desire of experiencing joy in certain ways was stopping me, it was preventing me form experiencing greater love and joy. I decided to go on a road trip to Florida and have an intense moment to make a vow to to connect to my higher self and allow my self to try to surrender to allowing my self to experience greater love and enjoyment at all times without depending on certain conditions for me to do that such as going on road trips or being in certain locations that are pretty. This road trip to Florida was a success and now I am trying to experience love and enjoyment at all times not just certain occasions.

As a way to help fallow through on my vow to experience greater love and enjoyment at all times, not just certain occasions and conditions, I decided to spend two hours everyday for the rest of this year devoted to connecting with my higher self, meditating, brainstorming ways to help love the universe more unconditionally, and anything that relates to helping  me experience greater love and joy. I plan on spending every minute during those two hours focusing on that.

Today I am going to start my first day of spending two hours spending time doing this. At my next blog entry, I am going to share all the wisdom I've learned. I am going to do this everyday until the end of this year. In other words, everyday I am going to have a blog entry and I am going to explain what I've learned. I want to do this so you can also benefit what I've learned if you feel my information will be helping in helping you find greater good for your self.